Last updated: May 28th, 2020

GhostDB Node


Currently GhostDB is only available for Linux. In order to download GhostDB for Linux click the download link below. This will download the GhostDB installation script.

Download GhostDB for Linux

Once downloaded the next thing you must do is run the installation script at the terminal. This will download the GhostDB binary file and the systemd service file and move them to their respective directories. It will also set up the neccessary linux user and user group.

Install GhostDB:
$ sh ./

If you encounter errors when running the installation script, try again with elevated privileges using the sudo command.

$ sudo bash ./


GhostDB communicates on port 7991. Be sure to allow in-comming an out-going traffic on this port.


Once installed, you must create a configuration file for your cache. This file must be located in a directory called /ghostdb. The /ghostdb directory must be in your home directory. The configuration file is a json file and must be called “ghost_conf.json”. There are multiple configuration options available to you. To start you must specify the keyspace size of the cache. This is the maximum number of key/value pairs you want to allow your cache to store. In the configuration file you set this value as follows:

"keyspaceSize": 65536

If this value is not specified, the default is the same as the above.

The next configuration option you have available to you is the default time-to-live for key/value pairs. This is the number of seconds a key/value pair is considered “not-stale”. If, when using the SDK and you do not set a time-to-live on a key/value pair when storing, the default will be set to “-1”. This means the item does not expire. Otherwise, the value you provide will override the value in the configuration file. You set this value as follows in the configuration: “defaultTTL”: -1 The next configuration option is the crawler interval configuration. This is an integer value that represents how often the cache crawlers should run. The cache crawlers are concurrent crawlers that remove expired items from the cache. By default this is set to 300 seconds (5 minutes). This is set as follows in the cache:

"crawlerInterval": 300


If you classify data as stale after a very short period of time, we recommend setting this number very low.

The next configuration option is the snitch metric interval configuration. This is an integer value that represents how often the snitch metrics sub-system should log system metrics in seconds. This is set to 300 by default (5 minutes). This is set as follows in the cache:

"snitchMetricInterval": 300

The next configuration option is the watchdog metric interval configuration. This is an integer value that represents how often the watchdog metrics system should log application metrics in seconds. This is set to 300 by default (5 minutes). This is set as follows in the configuration file:

"watchdogMetricInterval": 300

The next configuration option enables snapshotting within the cache. This is enabled by default and is set in the configuration file as follows:

"snapshotInterval": 3600

The next configuration option determines if your snapshots should be encrypted. This is set to true by default and is set in the configuration file as follows:

"enableEncryption": true

In order to enable encryption you must also supply a passphrase for encrypting and decrypting the snapshots. This is set to “SUPPLY_ME” by default and should be updated. It is set as follows in the configuration:

"passphrase": "SUPPLY_ME"

The next option available to you determines if append-only-file persistence should be used. By default this is set to false. This is set in the configuration file as follows:

"persistenceAOF": false

The next configuration option available determines the maximum byte size of the append-only-file can grow to before it is rotated. By default this is set to 5000000 (5MB). This is set in the configuration as follows:

"aofMaxByteSize": 5000000

If both snapshots and append-only-file are enabled in the cache, snapshots will take precedence over append-only-file. All snapshots are also compressed using gzip. This is not a configurable option. These are all the configuration options available. Below is an example of a complete configuration file:

    "keyspaceSize": 65536,
    "snitchMetricInterval": 300,
    "watchdogMetricInterval": 300,
    "defaultTTL": -1,
    "crawlerInterval": 300,
    "snapshotInterval": 3600,
    "snapshotEnabled": true,
    "persistenceAOF": false,
    "aofMaxByteSize": 50000000,
    "entryTimestamp": true,
    "enableEncryption": true,
    "passphrase": "SUPPLY_ME"

GhostDB SDK for Python


The GhostDB Python SDK can be installed using pip at the command line:

$ pip install ghostdb

Once installed, you must create a configuration file in order for the GhostDB SDK to interact with your GhostDB cluster. You can name this file whatever you like. Inside this file you must include the IP address of each GhostDB node, one IP address per line. You do not need to include the port as GhostDB uses port 7991. An example configuration file can be found below:

Now you are ready to integrate GhostDB into your Python application.

Importing GhostDB

Now that the GhostDB SDK has been installed and configured, you can now integrate GhostDB into your application. The first thing you must do is import the SDK:

from GhostDB.cache import Cache

Next, you must create a cache instance. To do this you must pass the name of your configuration file (the file containing IP addresses of GhostDB Nodes).

ghostdb = Cache('gdb.conf')

Now that everything has been set up, you can interact with your cluster. The GhostDB SDK for Python provides eight methods you can use to interact with your cluster.

Retrieval Methods

The first method is get(). This method requires you to pass a key which must be a string. If there exists a key/value pair with the key you passed in your distributed cache cluster, you will be returned the key/value pair, otherwise, you will be returned the string “CACHE_MISS”. An example of this is below:

data = ghostdb.get("mykey")

The variable data will now contain one of two things:

{ "Message": { "Key": … , "Value": … } }
{ "Message": "CACHE_MISS" })
Storage Methods

GhostDB has two storage commands: put() and add().
The put() method takes three arguments: put(key, value, ttl)
The key parameter must be a string. The value parameter can be whatever type you like. The ttl parameter is the time-to-live for the object in the cache. It is an optional argument.
For example, if the ttl was set to 300 then this key/value pair will be considered to be expired after 300 seconds and automatically removed from the cache after that time. The ttl parameter must be an int.
If you do not want your key/value object to expire in the cache then you may set the time-to-live to be -1.
The add() method takes three arguments too: add(key, value, ttl)
The parameters are the same as they are for put()as well as the return types.
The put() method will overwrite a key/value pair if the key already exists. The add() method will only write a key/value pair if the key does not exist.
You use both methods as follows:

resultPut = ghostdb.put("myKey", "myValue", -1)
resultAdd = ghostdb.add("myKey", "myValue", -1)

The return types of both calls are as follows:

resultPut: {"Message": "STORED"}
resultAdd: {"Message": "NOT_STORED"}
Deletion Methods

There are two deletion methods in GhostDB. The first deletion method is the delete() method. This method requires that a key is passed. The key must be of type string. If there exists a key/value pair with the key you passed to the method, then it will be removed from the cache, otherwise, you will be returned a string saying the key could not be found. Below is example usage of this method:

res = ghostdb.delete("myKey")

The variable res will now contain one of two things:

{ "Message": "REMOVED" }
{ "Message": "NOT_FOUND" }

The second deletion method is flush(). This method will clear all key/value pairs from all cache nodes and is used as follows:

res = ghostdb.flush()

The variable res will now contain one of two things:

{ "Message": "FLUSHED" }
{ "Message": "ERR_FLUSH" }
Metrics Methods

GhostDB provides two commands to give you access to cache metrics. The first method is getSnitchMetrics(). This will return the system metrics for each server as an array. An example usage and return can be found below:

metrics = ghostdb.getSnitchMetrics()

The return result will look similar to the below:

    "metrics": [ 
            "node": "", 
            "data": [{...}, … , {...}] 

The second metrics method is getWatchdogMetrics(). This will return the application metrics for each server as an array. An example usage and return can be found below:

metrics = ghostdb.getWatchdogMetrics()

The return from this call will have a similar format to the below:

    "metrics": [
            "node": "",
            "data": [ {...}, ..., {...} ]
Ping Method

The ping method will return an object containing an array of all GhostDB Cache Nodes that could be reached. It is used as follows:

cache_servers =
Error Types

There are two GhostDB specific errors that might be thrown during the execution of GhostDB methods. The first is the GhostNoMoreServersError. This error will be thrown if no servers in your cache cluster are reachable. The second is the GhostKeyError. This error is thrown if any key you provide to a GhostDB storage, deletion or retrieval method is not of type string. You can catch these errors as follows:

    # your code here
except ghostdb.GhostNoMoreServersError as e:
    # handle exception

Replace ghostdb.GhostNoMoreServersError with ghostdb.GhostKeyError to catch the key error.

GhostDB SDK for Node.js


The GhostDB Node.js SDK can be installed using npm at the command line:

$ npm install ghost-db-sdk

To install the SDK so that it is added to your package.json file, you can use the following command:

$ npm install --save ghost-db-sdk

Once installed, you must create a configuration file in order for the GhostDB SDK to interact with your GhostDB cluster. You can name this file whatever you like. An example configuration file can be found below:

Now you are ready to integrate GhostDB into your Node.js application.

Importing GhostDB

Now that the GhostDB SDK has been installed and configured, you can now integrate GhostDB into your application. The first thing you must do is import the SDK:

ghostdb = require('ghost-db-sdk');

Next, you must create a cache instance. To do this you must pass the name of your configuration file (the file containing IP addresses of GhostDB Nodes). For this guide we also use the 'path' package. If you do not have this package as a dependency on your project, you will need to install it.

cache = new ghostdb(path.resolve(__dirname, 'gdb.conf'));

Now that everything has been set up, you can interact with your cluster. The GhostDB SDK for Node.js provides eight asynchronous methods you can use to interact with your cluster.


All methods for GhostDB SDK for Node.js are asynchronous. If you receive an error when using any of the below methods inside a function, please ensure your function is asynchronous. This can be achieved by using the async keyword.

Retrieval Methods

The first method is get(). This method requires you to pass a key which must be a string. If there exists a key/value pair with the key you passed in your distributed cache cluster, you will be returned the key/value pair, otherwise, you will be returned the string “CACHE_MISS”. An example of this is below:

data = await cache.get("mykey")

The variable data will now contain one of two things:

{ "Message": { "Key": … , "Value": … } }
{ "Message": "CACHE_MISS" })
Storage Methods

GhostDB has two storage commands: put() and add(). The put() method takes three arguments: put(key, value, ttl) The key parameter must be a string. The value parameter can be whatever type you like. The ttl parameter is the time-to-live for the object in the cache. For example, if the ttl was set to 300 then this key/value pair will be considered to be expired after 300 seconds and automatically removed from the cache after that time. The ttl parameter must be an int. If you do not want your key/value object to expire in the cache then you may set the time-to-live to be -1. The add() method takes three arguments too: add(key, value, ttl) The parameters are the same as they are for put()as well as the return types. The put() method will overwrite a key/value pair if the key already exists. The add() method will only write a key/value pair if the key does not exist. You use both methods as follows:

resultPut = await cache.put("myKey", "myValue", -1)
resultAdd = await cache.add("myKey", "myValue", -1)

The return types of both calls are as follows:

resultPut: {"Message": "STORED"}
resultAdd: {"Message": "NOT_STORED"}
Deletion Methods

There are two deletion methods in GhostDB. The first deletion method is the delete() method. This method requires that a key is passed. The key must be of type string. If there exists a key/value pair with the key you passed to the method, then it will be removed from the cache, otherwise, you will be returned a string saying the key could not be found. Below is example usage of this method:

res = await cache.delete("myKey")

The variable res will now contain one of two things:

{ "Message": "REMOVED" }
{ "Message": "NOT_FOUND" }

The second deletion method is flush(). This method will clear all key/value pairs from all cache nodes and is used as follows:

res = await cache.flush()

The variable res will now contain one of two things:

{ "Message": "FLUSHED" }
{ "Message": "ERR_FLUSH" }
Metrics Methods

GhostDB provides two commands to give you access to cache metrics. The first method is getSnitchMetrics(). This will return the system metrics for each server as an array. An example usage and return can be found below:

metrics = await cache.getSnitchMetrics()

The return result will look similar to the below:

    "metrics": [ 
            "node": "", 
            "data": [{...}, … , {...}] 

The second metrics method is getWatchdogMetrics(). This will return the application metrics for each server as an array. An example usage and return can be found below:

metrics = await cache.getWatchdogMetrics()

The return result will look similar to the below:

    "metrics": [
            "node": "",
            "data": [ {...}, ..., {...} ]
Ping Method

The ping method will return an object containing an array of all GhostDB Cache Nodes that could be reached. It is used as follows:

servers = await
Error Types

There are two GhostDB specific errors that might be thrown during the execution of GhostDB methods. The first is the GhostNoMoreServersError. This error will be thrown if no servers in your cache cluster are reachable. The second is the GhostKeyError. This error is thrown if any key you provide to a GhostDB storage, deletion or retrieval method is not of type string. You can catch these errors as follows:

try { 
    // Your code here
catch (e) {:
    if (e instanceof cache.GhostNoMoreServersError) {
        // Handle exception

Replace ghostdb.GhostNoMoreServersError with ghostdb.GhostKeyError to catch the key error.